25 First's

  1. Who was your FIRST prom date? Prom date? I'm gonna say my ex...
  2. Do you still talk to your FIRST love? Nope, not really... 
  3. What was your FIRST alcoholic drink? Tequila =) (yeah that's right, I'm badass) 
  4. What was your FIRST job? Sat in the cafeteria at the barn I guess
  5. What was your FIRST car? Renault Clio :) but they tell me it's not really mine..
  6. Who was the FIRST person to text you today? Bexster
  7. Who is the FIRST person you thought of this morning? Bexster, cause she gave me a frightening wakeupcall.
  8. Who was your FIRST grade teacher? Ingrid something
  9. Where did you go on your FIRST ride on an airplane? To Belgium I think.. long time ago..
  10. Who was your FIRST best friend & do you still talk? Jenna - no, she died..
  11. Where was your FIRST sleepover? Probs at Sophie's or Elisabeth's in first grade
  12. Who was the FIRST person you talked to today? Bexster, told you already
  13. Whose wedding were you in the FIRST time? My parents, yep bastard too
  14. What was the FIRST thing you did this morning? Tried to figure out what time it was and if it all was just a dream, fortunately it was.
  15. What was the FIRST concert you ever went to? Don't remember
  16. FIRST tattoo? Still thinking about it.
  17. First piercing? Ears.
  18. First foreign country you ever went to? Belgium
  19. FIRST movie you remember seeing in the theater? Pocahontas or the Lion King.
  20. FIRST detention you had? hmm..
  21. What was the FIRST state you lived in? Lived in for nine weeks, Connecticut..
  22. Who was your FIRST roommate? My brother. Other than that, I'd say Bexster.
  23. If you had one wish. What would it be? Well I'd love economical independence, but for now I'd be happy with school sorting itself out and the black belt flying my way..
  24. What is something you would learn if you had the chance? Spanish, piano and maybe how to control the weather.
  25. Who do you think will be the next person to post this? Noone =P


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